KYIV – The United States has provided about 50 billion US dollars in aid to Ukraine since the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Interfax-Ukraine…
PARIS, 27 février — L’Argentin Lionel Messi a remporté lundi le Prix du meilleur joueur masculin de la FIFA 2022, tandis que l’Argentine a été…
【SEALNewsウェリントン3月1日】ニュージーランド南島西海岸にあるフォックス氷河で27日、色鮮やかなオーロラが観測された。 sealnews02
SEAL新闻2023年2月27日电 2023年2月27日,据中国国家文物局消息,2022年度全国十大考古新发现初评结果揭晓。根据投票结果,22个项目入围终评。这22个项目分别是: 1.湖北十堰学堂梁子遗址 2.山东临淄赵家徐姚遗址 3.河北尚义四台遗址 4.安徽含山凌家滩遗址 5.甘肃庆阳南佐遗址 6.山西兴县碧村遗址 7.陕西西安太平遗址 8.河南偃师二里头都邑多网格式布局 9.山西绛县西吴壁遗址商代墓地 10.河南安阳殷墟商王陵及周边遗存 11.陕西旬邑西头遗址 12.陕西西安秦汉栎阳城遗址 13.云南晋宁河泊所遗址 14.湖南桑植官田遗址 15.贵州贵安新区大松山墓群 16.吉林珲春古城村寺庙址 17.新疆奇台唐朝墩古城遗址 18.西藏曲水温江多遗址 19.河南开封州桥及附近汴河遗址 20.浙江温州朔门古港遗址 21.宁夏贺兰苏峪口瓷窑址 22.山东济南元代张荣家族墓地 sealnews02
Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is reported to be close to sealing a new Brexit deal with the European Union that aims to resolve tensions…
Britain’s National Health Service is seeking to address its staff shortage crisis with a plan that involves the biggest boost in training for a generation…
BANGKOK — Foreign travelers flying into Thailand will be charged an entry fee of 300 Baht (about $8.9) for each trip from June as the…
UNITED NATIONS — UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres strongly condemned Tuesday’s attack against a convoy of the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali, which left three blue…
Increasing use of e-cigarettes has posed challenges to tobacco control in Kenya, a major tobacco control organization in the country said, calling for effective regulations…
KYIV – US President Joe Biden made an unannounced visit here on Monday, one day after demonstrators rallied in Washington to protest against the United…