Flash floods due to the ongoing heavy rains across parts of Africa have killed more than 100 people, displaced thousands and damaged properties and infrastructure.

Moreover, African authorities and meteorological departments are warning of continued heavy rains, signaling further flooding and damage.

In Sudan, the National Council for Civil Defense said floods have killed 52 and injured 25 since the beginning of the rainy season.

Reports by the government’s Humanitarian Aid Commission, humanitarian organizations on the ground and local authorities indicated that 136,000 people have been affected by heavy rains and floods since May.

Additionally, about 8,900 houses and another 20,600 in 12 states have been damaged by torrential rains and floods.

The Sudan Emergency Response Preparedness Plan projected that more than 460,000 people could be affected by the floods this year.

According to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development’s Climate Prediction and Applications Center forecast for Aug 9-16, extremely heavy rainfall is expected over isolated parts of central Sudan.

The rainy season in Sudan usually starts in June and lasts up to September, with the peak of rains and floods observed between August and September.

Between 2017 and last year, an average of 388,600 people have been affected by floods annually, according to the Sudan Emergency Response Preparedness Plan.

In northern Nigeria’s Jigawa State, floods have killed at least 50 people, displaced thousands and destroyed properties.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said 43,155 people in the Bay states had been affected by flooding by Aug 8, since the beginning of the rainy season.

Additionally, the floods have displaced 4,347 people, with the elderly, women and children being the most affected.

The Nigerian Meteorological Agency has warned of more rains in the coming days in several states in the northern part of the country.

In Chad, flooding that occurred in 15 localities at the end of July has affected 1,359 households or 6,942 individuals.

A report by the International Organization for Migration published last week said malaria cases had been reported, especially in Sila province.

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations reported that the floods that occurred in Gambia on July 30-31 and Aug 5-6 were the worst to hit the country in nearly half a century.

Land destroyed

The commission said the floods have affected 37,104 people and destroyed 48,127 hectares of land, of which 67 hectares had been cultivated.

In eastern Uganda, floods killed at least 30 and displaced over 5,000 in Mbale city early this month. Heavy rains are forecast to continue through the month.

The Climate Prediction Center’s Africa Hazards Outlook forecast heavy rains in Guinea and neighboring areas, where continued rainfall could trigger flooding over already saturated soils.

It also predicts continuation of heavy rains in northern Ethiopia and Eritrea, which may exacerbate flooding over many areas of the greater Nile River basin.